Thursday, August 25, 2011

Site Redesign for Bodyline

Wow! I can not say how happy I am to see that Bodyline has updated their site design. Now it isn't so ghetto looking. GHETTO LOLITA LUUUUL.

They even upped the prices on the site. a nice corset I was looking at which was 40 dollars is now 50 T.T Now I will have to switch to Fanplusfriend for their corset.

A new feature they have on their site is sections for Punk ad sections for Lolita. I find it clever and easier to search for the items I want to look for. As well, they are bringing back some of the discontinued items. I'm so happy~

Some elitist girls from the Lolita circles disregard Bodyline as a wearable brand, but I definitively give it a go, considering the prices are still the least expensive you will find anywhere [the costs for articles range from 20-100 dollars.]

My favorite dress's were from Bodyline. They are comfortable, and some dresses fit me, who has a bust of 41 inches. They sometimes even fit bigger. I am glad they came out with 4L recently. Since I'm like a 2L in some dresses and 4L in others.